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lemmings tv

Fame and Misfortune

When the Lemmings Motorcycle Club (briefly) hit the big time

Or how a casual lunch resulted in TV fame, a misjudged compensation claim and adding one more victim to the unemployment statistics

(Travels with Guido 377, August 2024, Guy 'Guido' Allen)

Once upon a time the Lemmings Motorcycle Club, which had all of three members back then, was briefly made famous by the biggest TV soap opera in Australia (and was huge in the UK). It was called Neighbours.

Then we killed the casual script-writer...well, not literally. But he was living on baked beans and toast for a fair while.

So here's what happened: back some time in the early 1990s, Groff got this idea into his head that he and I and Morley should form a gang called the Lemmings Motorcycle Club. The latter was just getting into riding and Groff saw this as a way of keeping Mr M motivated and us all amused. Good call.

And the motto? Well, every club has to have one. The tongue-in-cheek 'Death before Courtesy' was just edgy enough to make the uninformed wonder if we were serious or taking the mickey.

Somewhere along the way, we got into the habit of having/running/hosting a weekly Friday lunch at Sandy's noodle palace in Richmond, Melbourne. As I may have mentioned in other columns, Mistress Sandy ruled the joint with an iron corkscrew.

Smart, funny, and often dictatorial, she would occasionally ask what we would like to eat. Only as a matter of curiosity, as it rarely had any relationship to what turned up on the table.

Given the crew were journos working mostly in motoring/motorcycling media, the event kind of turned into a specialist media and friends lunch. Some of us also had long-term tertiary teaching gigs, which added another layer to the network.

Friends came along and so did colleagues. And it kept going across decades and is now reaching something like 30-plus years. Table sizes vary from a core group of three to four to a dozen, to 40-ish at Christmas.

Anyway, it's long been a tradition that friends and family are welcome to bring guests who might not normally hear of, or fit in with, a Lemmings Motorcycle Club knees-up. That's resulted in a few interesting interludes, including another we wrote about, called Vlad and the Irony of Lunch.

Arguably the most weird was when a nice young man turned up at the table – not sure who introduced him. He was polite, knew how to use chopsticks, and generally tried to fit in. He was also highly amused by the whole situation and was making mental notes while asking for explanations of whatever he didn't at first understand. Which was a lot.

Now we're talking 1995, so before most people were using internet and email. And even those of us who did were working with a pretty sketchy network. Social media didn't exist in Australia. I'm laying down that background because when I say we heard a rumour the Lemmings Motorcycle Club had appeared on the biggest TV drama in Australia, it was just that. A rumour.


Someone swore they saw it on Network 7 TV. Then we heard other reports. In those pre-social media days, there was no sharing and Neighbours as sure as hell didn't plonk its expensive episodes up on the internet for all to see. Even if you could convince the then slow dial-up network to carry it.

Next thing, we heard the Lemmings MC had appeared in a string of episodes or episurds (take your pick) with one of the lead characters called Gruff rather than Groff. However they'd kept the 'Death before Courtesy' motto. Bless them.


Here's a snatch of script and dialogue from episode 2461:

Gruff emerges from the bar and hands Sam a beer. Sam beams that he'd forgotten what a buzz a long ride can be. He then asks Gruff about the club he belongs to, and Gruff explains that it's The Lemmings; it's very exclusive. They sit down and Gruff goes on that they take weekend trips... they ride bikes... talk about bikes...

Sam asks how come no one has asked *him* to join. Gruff replies that he seems tied up all the time. Sam asks where he signs, but Gruff tells him that they have rules and initiation tasks - just like any normal gang. He adds:

GRUFF: Look, meet me at Doobie's tonight and be prepared to...; well, just be prepared. That's if you want to be a Lemming!

He then proposes a toast:

GRUFF: Death before Courtesy!

Gruff, aka Groff, turns out to be a teasing trouble-maker across four episurds, which comprehensively proved our script-writer friend had listened and observed very carefully at that lunch.

Fantastic. What really got our attention was the show had made up a set of corny Lemmings MC shoulder patches and...well...we wanted them.

lemmings letter

So I wrote a somewhat forceful if tongue-in-cheek and ill-considered letter (sent via fax - remember them?) to the producer in charge of Neighbours. Dated 28 August, 1995, it began: "The Lemmings MC congratulates you on having the good taste to depict this organisation on your social documentary series, entitled Neighbours."

It went on to demand compensation, mostly in the form of the club patches, and perhaps a nice lunch somewhere.

Apparently whoever read the screed didn't get irony, sarcasm, a wind-up, or any of that other stuff we're pretty good at. We got no response. Worse, a somewhat crestfallen freelance script writer turned up for lunch again some weeks later to reveal he'd been sacked from the high-pressure daily soap. Bugger...that wasn't meant to happen.

Neighbours has moved networks and been reinvented a few times over the intervening 30-ish years. I'm hoping our script-writer was forgiven and re-hired, took up riding and, just quietly, has one of those patches sewn on to his jacket...


Postscript from Groff: "The thing that annoyed me about it the most was spending years explaining that we hadn't copied the club from an episode of Neighbours but had, in fact, pre-existed it!"

A side note: Neighbours was an incredibly high-pressure school for local TV production, with daily episodes five days a week for several decades, and has now amassed 9095 shows. See its Wikipedia entry.

There is of course a Neighbours fan site which has a summary of every episurd. Put 'lemmings' into the search window and you'll find four listed.

They are: 2461, 2462, 2464 and 2485.

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