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Suzuki GT750 'waterbottle' or 'kettle' June 2020 Some of the many faces of Suzuki GT750 'waterbottle' promotion in the mid-1970s: Barry Sheene gives it the thumbs-up for Heron Suzuki; Glam look for the front of a brochure; 'Hot Stuff' indeeed for the period. See the 1972 road test at Classic Two Wheels. Plus Suzuki Cycles for the model history and tech info, plus Motorcycle Specs for a backgrounder and period test. Shannons recently had a 1976 GT750A up for auction – see it here. And then we had to share this fabulous pic (below), from Hermod Olsen in Norway, in response to our Facebook post: "When the kettle arrived it was also a success up in the northernmost county of Norway.....those were the days."
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